ECoaching For Cash

Do you have years of experience and knowledge about a particular topic that you would like to share with others? Would you like to get paid to do this?

People have purchased this product and developed very successful full and part time Coaching and Training businesses in some of the following industries:
Marketing Life Coaching Skills Wedding Planning Consulting
Sales Business Consulting Marriage Counseling
Real estate Business Management Career Counseling
Legal Council Public Speaking Resume Workshops
Tax Preparation Teaching Professional Poker Training
Financial Advisor Hobbies Higher Educational Tutoring
Insurance Advisor Author Private Pilot Aviation Tutoring
Health, Dietary, or Fitness Motivational Speaker Relationship Advisor
Web Site Development Instructional Training Graphic Design Instructions
Personal Counseling Resume Writing Job Interview Coach
SEO Computer Repair Computer Software Training
Start your own online coaching, training or tutoring business and start making money from the knowledge you already have right from the comfort of your own home or office.
Why online?
Why Teach Online

Train anyone anywhere in the world:
Don't limit your coaching business to just your local geographic area! By doing it online you open up your target market to anyone in the world - literally!

Increased attendance:
If people don’t have to spend time and money to travel to your coaching or training event they are more likely to attend. More people that attend means more dollars in your pocket!

Little to no cost:
No longer do you need to rent out space to hold your event, you can do it from the comfort of your home! You can develop and put together a full training or coaching class online for very little to no cost to you – that mans you can keep all the profits for yourself!

One on one or large scale training events:
No mater which type of training you enjoy doing you can train one to one or train large audiences at one time

Here are just a few ideas my most recent
clients have used this program for:
Student Tutor Business:
Are you a teacher looking for extra income? Are you a student who is really good at math to the point all of your friends are always asking you for help? Why not profit from it? 

Lead Generation Business:
Are you an insurance agent, lawyer, realtor, or other professional service provider? Put on free coaching and training classes to gather new leads and contacts. 

Classes could include “How To Purchase Your First Home” “How to Properly File For Bankruptcy” etc. By hosting these free informational online webinars you will develop new relationships and gain new prospects and clients by sharing your valuable information.

Career eCoaching Business:
Are you a career counselor, professional resume writer or someone who is a guru in getting a job in today's tough economy? A career coaching business is a hot place to be right now.

And since most career research and job application activities all happen online having a career ecoaching business can only expand your client base enabling you to coach anyone anywhere!

Other coaching areas include:
Personal Coaching, Business Coaching, Leadership Coaching
Spiritual Coaching, Mentor Coaching, Executive Coaching, Career Coaching, Relationship Coaching,
Corporate Coaching, and Success Coaching
If you have the desire to start earning some serious extra income from the things you already know then here are the tools you need to successfully take what you know and develop an online training course now.
Listed below are the best and most complete programs available for you to get your coaching business started, move it online, and start making money in no time at all.

Coaching For Cash

Business Start Up
Maybe you already have a training program that could use a make over, maybe you have never coach anyone or run a training before in your life. This package will give you all the information you need to make it happen or better the program you already have.
Each Module Includes
Flash Video and MP3 Audio
$67 Now Just $38

eCoaching For Cash Online

eCoaching For Cash DVD  cover
Online Secrets
Ecoaching is the term used for coaching online. These video modules will help you take your new Coaching Program and make it ready for the internet so you can teach it online.
Each Module Includes
Flash Video and MP3 Audio
Complete Course $57 Now Just $27
 click this out: EcoachingForCash.Com

Webinars A-Z

Webinars A-Z
Your Ultimate Guide To Online Success
Jam packed eBook giving you all the insider secrets and necessary information to prepare and host a successful webinar.

$25 Now Just $17


Package Deal
If you choose to buy all three of these products you will save!
Normally all 3 for $149 $82 Get all 3 now for just $47.00

Add To Cart
Instant Download

Also Available
Ready to Teach
Coaching Course Content

Ready to teach course content
Ready to teach course content - total of 7 modules

EBook Master Box

Si usted es realmente serio acerca de hacer dinero en ya través de la Internet, tengo una buena noticia para usted:

          "De hecho, esta es la mejor manera posible, sin costo para nadie. , no tienen ni siquiera un economista entrenado aquí para ganar su pan de cada día (y mucho más)."

Lo has adivinado seguro, estoy hablando de la producción y venta de libros electrónicos.

Las ventajas de estos productos son evidentes:

No temáis, ni campamentos altos costos de producción, y los productos terminados son siempre, por supuesto, fuera de línea disponible. 

La legislatura le permite excluir incluso un derecho de retorno! Si aún así aceptar una garantía o la garantía, esto es sólo para que usted hable de sus productos y sus servicios y convencer a los posibles clientes aún más.

Muy bien, lo suficiente como prólogo. Seguramente usted ha estado buscando desesperadamente un tema adecuado, sino también porque puedo weiterhelfen. 

Ich no sólo le muestran cómo escribir en un tiempo muy corto, no una, sino encontrar muchos temas en los que realmente vale la pena. Por supuesto, estos son los temas para los cuales existe una gran demanda y se le saca de las manos, por así decirlo.

También voy a tener una. Muy bueno y muy fácil de poner a utilizar procesadores de texto a su corazón y le mostrará, entre otras cosas, la forma de desarrollar e implementar un diseño atractivo También hay un buen texto con imágenes y las caídas, que también continúan a mostrar las direcciones de mejores y más baratas para los gráficos.

Master Ebook Sie werden lernen,
Plus wie Sie in kürzester Zeit nicht nur ein, sondern viele verschiedene Themen finden,
Plus wie Sie eine sehr gute und äußerst einfach zu bedienende Textverarbeitung bekommen,
Plus wie Sie ein ansprechendes Design entwickeln und realisieren.
Plus wo Sie Bilder und Grafiken für Ihr Ebook herbekommen.
Plus und vieles mehr...
Doch damit noch lange nicht genug
Plus Sie werden mir sozusagen über die Schulter blicken. Mit Ihnen gemeinsam werde ich Schritt für Schritt ein eBook produzieren. Dabei beginne ich mit einem leeren Blatt Papier, sodass Sie alles genau verfolgen und nachmachen können.
Plus Sie lernen Schritt für Schritt, wie Sie Ihr eigenes Ebook erstellen!
click this out:  Master-Ebook.Com

Local Lead Machines

I found this course of three guys who are cleaning up their neighborhoods, I do not mean with a broom! The sale of local services to businesses in your area is a"Abrasive" hot market right now, and there are more and more courses "teaching".

However, this is the first time I see it much more to say local traders area in need of services. They actually show you how they did it, and give the same tools and knowledge they need to go into business this afternoon and come up with a big check!

The local machines Lead is a great course with a small price! Full of courage and + 70 Videosand 40 + Spend PDF files, you have everything you need to start your localconsulting business TODAY!
Watch the video sales and see what the buzz is all!

Watch Now:
Subject: Wow! This does not suck!
Body: I ​​found this alleged murderer of three new local merchants that are destroying.

The best part is that there are more than throw the theory, but live it every day! Theyhave dentists, lawyers, car washes and more that populate its list of customers and has tolead local teams created to show you how to do the same after today.

I tell you all this in 70 videos + and 40 + PDFs and documents that give you all the toolsyou need to get into the action happens under your nose too!

If you do not take advantage of this your competitors! And it is priced ridiculously low level! You double or triple your investmentyour first treatment! Giving the lead local teams look today!

PS I urge you to view this presentation now and I do not know how long it will open!.
Subject: This is worth your time ...

Body: You know you can not stand all the junk that passes for products these days, which iswhy send only things that use or know they will get value.

Lead local machine is the product of three local businessmen who have broken the entire lineconcert in a system that can start earning money now, and teach it to you here!

I'll tell ... This will be fresh, new, and unlike anything out there so far. This hugeOf course (they charge almost nothing!) Takes you by the hand more than 70videos and documents 40 and forces you to learn the ropes of local online consultation.

If you have any desire to be to grab your piece of the benefits that could be hiddenin their own backyard and then carry out Local Machine today!
PS I urge you to view this presentation now and I do not know how long it will open!
Subject: Hot Damn! The local machines lead is live!

Body: If you're like me something you've been waiting to get on the roadabsolutely necessary to get there! That's how I feel about Local Lead Machine!

This is a course that takes the mystery and "how the hell I can get that?"outside the process of starting and running a local business consulting online! LocalDriving machine gives you more than 70 videos and documents 40 that will take you by the hand andearnings guidance!

These three guys you through the process as they themselves do every day. Not large box of the theory here: these guys live this stuff! They have lawyers, dentists, shops, restaurants and even car washes as clients, and show you how to make money from day one!

They can explain it much better than me, but I know it when I see it!
PS I urge you to view this presentation now and I do not know how long it will open!.
click this out: LocalLeadMachines.Net

Rare Opportunity To Tap Into The Mind Of An Ultra Successful Consulting

Tricks Are For Magicians and Kids! You Don't Need To Master 1001 Marketing Methods! In Fact, There's Only Three Ways To Grow Any Type of Business…
Why Most Freelancers Fail Before They Even Get Started…
Every business needs your help, right? Not exactly. You'll discover 17 ways to quickly separate the serious prospects from the tire kickers and cheap skates looking for cheap slave labor!
Discover Every Niche I've Personally Drawn Marketing and Consulting Clients From… and the Ones I Targeted Frequently…
Just Starting Out and You Don't Have A Portfolio or Samples To Show Prospective Clients? No Problem! I Reveal How Anyone Can Use Having Little or No Portfolio As A Marketing Edge… Instead of A Weak Excuse!
My System For Making More Money Per Client and Get Them Coming Back Again and Again — and Still Keep My Squeaky Clean Ethics…

How I Went From a Nervous Shy Guy at Networking Events… To The Person That Other People Hunt Down to Meet!
Why Most Freelancers Fail to do Public Events Correctly and Lose Thousands of Dollars in Potential Business…
Why "Offer a Big Discount to Get New Clients!" is Some of the Worst Advice You Could Ever Follow…
How To Get Other Consultants To Eagerly Send More Referrals and Business Your Way. (Hint: It's rarely offering them a cheap price!)
And Much Much More!
And the best part is … You'll be able to take the “golden nuggets” I share and use them yourself anytime you want to generate more leads, prospects or customers for your consulting clients.

You can literally be a fly on the wall and get a first hand "school of hard knocks" education in what it takes to produce multiple streams of targeted prospects every time, without fail... and you can't do it without any of the trial or error because I've already done all of the trial and error for you.

This is exactly what you'll get and much more when you grab your own copy of “Offline Consulting Secrets”.

But wait, there's more.
I took the original paid event and added even more powerful resources…
While you missed the live teleseminar event, you'll still get the same great content. (Remember this was a paid teleseminar — not some slick pitchfest to sell somebody's product).
I've had the audio professionally edited to remove any unwanted background noises and to balance the volume. After all, why should you be distracted by unexpected noises or have to change the volume when you're listening to any audio?
You'll enjoy listening to this MP3 recording anywhere you want… even if it's on your MP3 player or I-Pod at the gym!
Prefer to read along while you listen to the event's recording?
No problem.
Just follow along with the call using the 33 page typed transcript. It's 100% content and no filler.
Created exclusively for this program, this 35 minute video will help walk you through step-by-step how to start your own offline consulting business.
I charge $150 per hour for consultation so you can imagine the value you'll receive from this guide alone!
Simply use Microsoft Excel or Open Office to open this easy to use tracking form.
If you aren't tracking where your prospects and clients are coming from, then how do you know what marketing or advertising is working?
The answer is you won't know. (Hint: This is one big reason why some consultants struggle to build their business.)
If you've been online any time at all, you've seen other marketers offer a "resources" guide. Chances are, it's loaded with affiliate links that they get a commission on anything you might be through their link.
Not here.
My resources guide is over 25 different products and services that I've personally used and tested before recommending them.
Zero affiliate links. Just my professional recommendation on their quality instead.
If you only read one classic business book, this is it!
Thousands of successful people credit this book for helping them break through the success barrier, including me.
You could buy this book in paperback at your local bookstore for $15 or you can download this high-quality digital version which I've secure the rights to offer you as a special valued-added bonus.
Of course, I want to put your mind at ease.

click this out:  OfflineConsultingSecrets.Com

How To Grad Loads Of New offline Consulting

The clock is ticking. If you don't act now, you could miss out on your chance to grab a huge competitive edge…

The type of edge that 99% of other local business consultants won't have…
The type of competitive edge that let you capture as many top-shelf clients as you want… while your competition grabs any client that will hire them.
But first let me explain why…

Hi, my name is Mike Humphreys and I'm best known as an ultra-successful copywriter and professional marketing consultant.

I've written sales copy for well-known online marketers like Brad Callen, Anik Singal, and Jason James… along with many others who choose to stay out of the public spotlight. My copy has produced millions of dollars in new sales for my clients and helped me cement my reputation as an online copywriter.

The thing is… As well-known and busy as I am for online copy… I'm even busier for my offline clients. In fact, it's not uncommon for offline clients to hire me for 2, 3, or even 6 months straight!
"…Helped to Kick Start a Complete Beginner…"
I have gained lots of knowledge about marketing already which I am keen to put into practice. Coming from a purely medical background you have helped to kick start a complete beginner into running her own business.”
Dr. Sarah Taylor
United Kingdom
I've built a reputation online as a professional copywriter and information product marketer… but that's only part of my business experience.
Unlike some of the other offline marketing experts, I have in-the -trenches experience.

I “know” offline businesses because I've built more than one successful offline business myself.
I've owned simple one-person businesses… all the way up to a full-service massage therapy center which employed 8 massage therapists and 2 part-time administrative staff.

I've also worked with dozens of different offline businesses in many different industries.
So I teach what I know... not something I picked up in a $7 report and decided to recycle and claim as my own.

And what I teach… works. It works for any offline consultant takes what I've shared and put it into action.
Let me give you an example.
A lot of offline consulting programs will teach you how to offer a service to brick and mortar business owners.

It might be SEO.
It might be blogging.
It might be social media or some other service.
But almost none of them give you…
Look, it doesn't matter what offline service you offer if you are missing this one key skill.
You could be a brilliant graphic designer…
Or a WordPress whiz kid…
Or a SEO master…
… It won't matter IF you don't know how to find and land clients!
"…Shares A Lot of Excellent Information…"
“I was fortunate to have been on the live call.

Mike shares a lot of excellent information and great tips for anyone considering offline marketing, plus excellent
strategy information useful for any type of marketing.
Robyn Reiken
But not just any old clients.
The right kinds of clients.
I'm talking about the types of clients that you'll love working with…
  • Not the types of clients that won't drag their heels about paying you on time…

  • Not the types of clients that won't drive you nuts…

  • Not the types of clients that will sing your praises and refer other businesses to you…
In other words, the types of clients that put serious money in your pocket and value the help you're giving them!

That's the types of clients you want — and I can show you how to get — if you put into action the field-tested techniques I've refined and developed.
And that's why…
“What kind of marketing do you use in your business?”
“Can you teach me privately how to market my consulting business as well as you could do?”
“What's one thing that you did to get lots of clients and will it work for me?”
And lots of other questions!
At first, I wasn't sure I was ready to start sharing any of the secrets I used to build my marketing & consulting business.

“…Almost Instant ROI.”
You can go ahead and use this as a testimonial if you like, but I just wanted to give you a special thank you.
I listened to the November interview in Market Your Copy, took ONE piece of advice, took action on it, and less than 2 hours after I started listening to the interview I was giving out a quote on a rewrite.
I think that is record time for actionable information seeing results.
Simply amazing. Looks like this could cover my membership fee for many months – a nice, almost instant ROI.
You da man, Mike. You da man.
And hey – if you’re ever looking to bounce some ideas off any youthful, high energy Canadian copywriters, I’m always up for a good chat!”

Cherilyn Lester
Because it took a lot of "blood, sweat and tears" (and a ton of dollars, too!) to create my "secret weapons."

But after doing some soul searching, I realized something important:
Many aspiring consultants are exactly were I was when I first started out.
So I know how tough it can be.
I've been there and I want to help you succeed.
I want you to enjoy the same level of success I've been blessed with
The thing is…
There's an old saying that goes, “Give a man a fish and he'll eat for a day”.

Well, I don't want to feed you a little bit of business success.
If I just give you a few marketing tips, you might taste some success with them.

I want to show you how to make your own gourmet feast instead!
Because once you learn how to "cook" up your own powerful marketing funnel, then you'll never go hungry for business again.

That's why, you are getting a rare chance to grab some of my "secret weapon" recipes.

The same types of recipes that you can duplicate — and use — in your own business again and again…

click this out:  OfflineConsultingSecrets.Com